Thursday, April 16, 2009

Religion in Public Schools

Our belief system in the United States is that parents are the ones who should guide their child into what religion, if any they want them exposed to. Public schools must be careful not to lead in anyone direction when religion comes up. Manadatory prayer, Bible readings or other religous activities supported by public schools are fundamental violations of the right of conscience. Public school students have the right to pray in their own fashion as long as its not disruptive. Schools may teach about religion as a part of objective instruction but public schools must not sponsor religious worship. These jobs belong to Americas houses of worship (churches, temples, etc.)

Religion is not to be taught in the United States but it can be referenced in a lesson plan. The key that schools must remain nuetral and not promote one religion or belief over another. Public schools are not permitted to worship, but that does not mean that the schools must be a religion free zone. Groups have broke out and campaigns have begun to try to reverse the boards nationwide pushing to change the carriculum in favor of religious doctrines. Battles have been going on over the nation. Advocates of creationism are amongst the most active in this area. Religious Right organizations, are seeking to drive evolution out of the classroom and replace it with their interpretations of the Bible. Should be interesting to see what the next move is but I think that religion should remain as a lesson reference in order not to object any belief system.

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